Jumat, 09 Desember 2022

The goal of the Nusantara River Expedition: "Filling public spaces with information about river issues"

This article is translated from an interview with Koran Tempo reporters on April 28, 2022. Published Sunday, May 1, 2022 (following link: https://koran.tempo.co/read/tamu/473550/ekspedisi-sungai-nusantara-prigi-arisandi-demi - river-sustainability). with the title Ekspedisi Prigi Arisandi Demi Kelestarian Sungai (Prigi Arisandi Expedition for the Conservation of Rivers). This paper will discuss the need for public participation and tips on building public involvement in river conservation. 
(River expedition team visited Aleta Baun, water conservationist of the Mollo Tribe, Nusa Tenggara Timur, Timor Island)

Regarding subpoenas to the three governors (West Java, Central Java and East Java) because the river in their area was damaged, will this continue with other governors?

Yes, depending on the location we go to. We are collaborating with other institutions to discuss this. In essence, prioritizing rivers is the government's concern. The method, yes, varies. Yes, there were those who were sued, subpoenaed, given suggestions, input. The government has Rivers as assets, but they are not maintained.

What is their response to that subpoena?

The governors of East Java and Central Java have already given their answers. Normative content. Meanwhile, the subpoena to the Governor of West Java is new. After that, we will formulate how it goes. In Java, the governors are all running to become presidential candidates. So, we want this river issue to become a political discussion. What are the strategies of these governors (for river management), perceptions, and translation in their programs.

What's an example?

The budget for controlling river pollution is very small. However, what is monitored is quite extensive. The average monitoring station is only two. For example, in Way Seputih (Lampung), the length of the river is 260 kilometers, but there are only two monitoring stations. This doesn't make any sense. There should be a lot. The reason, monitoring equipment is expensive. So that it's not expensive, yes, involve the community in it.

Moving the community isn't easy, right?

We see that there are several approaches. We collaborate with Watchdoc to produce documentary movies, every two weeks we make a release. The goal is education, filling public space with information about river issues. We hope that many communities will be born. We also go around to raise the community in each river, preach and share information.

Does someone have to guard the river?

At least someone is guarding the river, there is a community. Building community is important. The townspeople must get involved. Public funds are used to support the community in protecting the river. Now it doesn't exist in Indonesia. We tried that, working with Kitabisa.com dan Benihbaik.com, as an effort to raise public funds for river conservation.

Diaper waste is now also a problem in rivers. How to parse it?

In fact, it must be controlled from upstream. Don't forget that there are 75 regional or municipal governments that have policies to reduce single-use plastics. There should also be a redesign of the packaging. It's running now, but slowly. In Gresik it is good. After discovering the fact that 1.5 million diapers are thrown into the river per day, the local government provides a dropping point for diaper waste. Then every two days it is disposed of in the TPA (final disposal site). That's pretty good, as long as it's not thrown into the river. On my way now, I always turn my head to the river and definitely come across diapers

What about service related to how?

Garbage service is also a problem. On average, local governments are only able to serve 30-40 percent of waste. It is conceivable that 70-60 percent of the people are not served. Yes, in the end throw it into the river or burn it. The real key is budget politics. Every road I walk, there must be trash. This means that the government is unable to deal with waste. Society must be educated. The government must provide waste handling facilities and service systems.

You are willing to bother taking care of the river. What is the Trigger?

There is an emotional relationship to the river. In the past, when I was a child, it was a place for recreation and bathing in the river. Every time you take a bath, look at the fish. So, when I was in college, how come the river was dirty? There is waste. Finally, anxiety appeared, then searched. It turns out there is a waste paper factory. From then on, I thought, how come this river used to be beautiful, you could bathe, but now you can't, disgust? This is what triggers me to make the river healthy and beautiful again. (To Be Continued)

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