Jumat, 09 Desember 2022

"Getting lost is delicious"

This article is translated from an interview with Koran Tempo reporters on April 28, 2022. Published Sunday, May 1, 2022 (following link: https://koran.tempo.co/read/tamu/473550/ekspedisi-sungai-nusantara-prigi-arisandi-demi - river-sustainability). with the title Ekspedisi Prigi Arisandi Demi Kelestarian Sungai (Prigi Arisandi Expedition for the Conservation of Rivers). This report will discuss the need for public participation and tips on building public involvement in river conservation.

Why go through the expedition? Isn't it possible to take sufficient samples at several points?

Feel the thrill. Ha ha ha. We've done this last year. We opened a reception for volunteers, sent tools, and took samples from the river, then sent them to the Ecoton laboratory. From there, we found data that 24 of our rivers were polluted by microplastics. Well, here's the sequel. In this expedition, we documented that there are still communities that guard the river, the way they do it, or the type of fish. We also broadcast, share movies, info, and empower. So, must meet. Guarding the river is a big risk. Protecting the river is with your heart, ask them for help. It must be published.

Oh, yeah, you found a plastic g-string, colorful panties, where's that?

It's on the Cipaganti River, Bandung. I found it. First, shock. What's this? I don't know, how come I found strange things like that? On diapers, then colorful waste. Maybe God always gives instructions or because I'm too nosy. Hehehe.

During the expedition, did you ever get lost?

Once, got lost because of following Google Maps. We even play around. There are also times when you are tired, you don't see any directions. It should turn right, but go straight. After more than 6 kilometers, just realized. Finally back right. Take shortcuts in and out of the village and increase the duration. But it's nice to be able to find river objects filled with garbage. Getting lost is delicious. Hehehe.

Has your motorbike ever had a problem?

If it's a motorbike problem, because there's a lot of luggage, it has to be modified with an additional "bangkelan - big pack". Then, at one time, the nut never came off so that the garage was tight with the chain. There was another incident when the chain came loose on an incline, so I had to stop to fix it.

During this expedition, what tools did you bring?

I brought these tools to measure quality standard parameters. Its value is around IDR 35 million. We also carry other tools.

You also involve the children to monitor the river. Why?

They are victims of pollution. Children aged 1-14 years are still growing. If the environment is bad, it will interfere with their health. So, they must be involved, made aware. They can give space for their voices, they can demonstrate, they can send letters to the DPRD, or they can compose poetry. There used to be a children's activity to write letters for industry and 1,000 letters for the governor. Lots of activity, but not viral yet. They make changes, hearings, reports, and exhibitions. Our partners are junior high school students. When they grow up, they will have a good memory about the environment. We believe children can make a difference. Apart from that, they have fresher and more genuine ideas.

What examples?

In Jombang, children measure the health of rivers with water insects. Then from there there is a local regulation for the protection of springs. in Gresik Children write letters to leaders of developed countries to stop sending plastic waste to Indonesia.

Are there any problems getting into school?

Certain. At first it was rejected. There was a child who wrote a letter (about the river problem), then the school principal was called. In the past, teachers were still afraid, cynical, and troublesome. But I understand that's normal. Maybe it was our fault in the way of communication and rush. Should be looking for a teacher who has the same heart, must "one language first" to form a chemical bond.

How do you apply waste management to your family?

We at home give an example, we can't just order it. Learning by doing. At home there are three bins to sort paper, cardboard, and one in the kitchen. Make compost. There is also plastic cardboard that is given to the rombengan builders. That's what it does. We are trying to reduce waste, for example using baskets to buy food, buying martabak, cireng, or pentol meatballs. There is also planning, spending management.

What about residual waste?

Incidentally, his wife and children use cloth pads. The residue is minimal. If there is (residue), we will take it to the TPA. The important thing is to apply the 3R (reuse, reduce, and recycle). At the market, we shop without using plastic bags. Buy snack foods in jars. It's important to have self-control.

How do you support the institution?

We happen to be collaborating with The Body Shop. For two years it has been supported for the campaign against plastic. There is also the Zero Waste Indonesia Alliance. We joined in—supported by the Plastic Solution Fund, San Francisco. In the last five years there has also been a cooperation program between the Indonesian and Dutch governments. We are working with one of the engineering campuses in the Netherlands, TU-Delft, on the issue of the Brantas River. Then there is also crowd funding. IDR 40 million, IDR 10 million. It depends on the issue we raise. Yes, indeed 80 percent is still funding. But then, recently, we have been brave enough to seek small change from the public to gain trust.

We are a local NGO, so we work a little hard. Hence, this expedition is to nationalize Ecoton. What's important, though, is that people want to talk about rivers. We are grateful that in the last three years we have regularly paid 14 staff members. That, if you think about it, is stressful. It doesn't make sense to need a month of this size. But we have lived 20 years. They have three lawyers, a doctoral researcher, and 3-4 masters. This is to build public trust.

Is there a target along the river next?

The hope is to get to Flores Island, Nusa Tenggara Barat and Bali after 8th month cross Aceh and  Medan. Then later on to Kalimantan, then later on doing research in Gorontalo, living in Makassar, then to Papua.

Who supported this expedition?

From The Body Shop. There are also private donations from colleague. Someone donated a Gopro camera. Crowdfunding

Oh, yes, you met Barack Obama when he received the 2011 Goldman Environmental Prize. How long did that meeting last?

That's half an hour at most. The queue is from 07.00-11.00 in the morning. Accompanied by the minister of the environment. There's a secretary too. We chatted, questioned one by one. There were six people who found it.

What did you say then?

I just asked Obama what is the key to success in managing rivers in America. He answered community participation. That's why they finance national conservation, river guards, and some even support up to 60 percent. Because they feel that the government is unable to take care of itself, they involve the community. The government and parliament also have a budget.

What was the most memorable experience at that meeting?

He asked in Indonesian, "From Jakarta, right?" I said from Surabaya. Then shaking hands, big hands, steady voice, and joking. I was impressed by the sound. Besides that, the important thing is that I can pee in a full wooden toilet there, not porcelain. None of my friends pee in the toilet. Ha ha ha.

When you are relaxed, what are your activities?

Nothing. I guess I'm trapped here. Have a target every two weeks there should be a release in the media. So, busy here. Then banana gardening. There is about 3,000 meters of land where I plant bananas. There are plantains, jackfruit kings, berlin bananas, milk bananas, and saba bananas. My great-grandfather used to grow bananas too. In the past, the soil was dug, then half-ripe bananas were put in and then closed in the banana skin and smoked. It rings like that. Now, yes, people ripen with carbide

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